Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nicole Diver Exposed

The last part of Tender is the Night has been extremely interesting. I'm really starting to get into the book. In my last post, I discussed the mystery of Dick and Nicole's relationship, now that mystery has been exposed. Nicole was sexually involved with her father at a young age and because of that driven to insanity. This has caused me to have a completely different outlook on Nicole. She was previously someone I highly respected and felt to be somewhat stable, however now she seems almost scary.
There is one part of the book where Dick is driving the car with Nicole and their two children and Nicole steers the car off a cliff laughing the entire time. She could have killed her entire family and in these states of insanity has no ability to control herself. It is very strange to see the contrast between the Nicole we knew in the beginning of the novel and the Nicole we have gotten to know now.

I was also surprised that the novel is more of a focus on Dick's life than Rosemary's.

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